
Showing posts from February, 2018

Kolkata's best alukabli/aluchat

You smell like Wild Stone By : Aparna Das/Date : 17.2.2018   Y ou are like Wild Stone . In the crowd people only notice you. I have left college for 8 years, yet you still in my mind  like a fresh fish bought from the Sonarpur, Rajpur market .  Yet when I walk through the back of the college, I look back and look back only once and look at you. Whenever I visit any city, whether it’s Delhi, Mumbai or Bangalore I try to taste you . Every city, every colony (para) has their own story. Here my city Garia in Kolkata has it’s own famous Alukabli ( Aluchat ), Jhalmuri, Achaar. Yet the list is limited still there is a wonderful taste in your basket . By the way, than the basket, the owner of the basket is in the hands of magic. Akur Ali Purkait (32) a famous jhalmuri seller in Garia Dinabandhu Andrew’s College  premises. In Garia (South Kolkata, near Kavi Nazrul metro station) you can find lots of variety of street food. Like fuchka, different types of rolls, ghugni, alu kabli or a

Stay hungry, Stay innovativE

Stay hungry, Stay innovativE By : Aparna Das Date : 16.2.2018 Y ou are my inspiration on my way. I remember you when I faced obstacles in life. You have left us on 5 th October in 2011. It has become almost 8 years . I remember one of your speech before death ‘ Stay hungry, Stay foolish ’. I did not understand the meaning of this statement when I had just passed college in 2011. But now I understand. Being stupid and hungry means bigger than depth. Through this comment you have actually pointed out the depth and greater goals of life. Being stupid means not thinking about yourself, and the meaning of life hunger is to create life in a new way. I know everything that limits the knowledge of a human being. As a result, laziness and mid-merit were born. The person who thinks he knows everything, his fall is inevitable. He will survive in one place only. There are so many people around us who say a lot of big things in the four walls of the room, But when standing in th

Yet have time Millennial's

Yet have time By : Aparna Das Date : 13.2.2018 Stop it! Millennials Don't pressed me more and more I beg your pardon you are falling behind behind in the feelings of love yourself and care for others rise, rise up and up still you have enough time Do you feel heat in my body ? Oh! children of World's future help your Brothers Sister’s, Mother’s, Neighbors and Others You millennial's only cited about technology Please ! not only in virtual media Protest, standing in the open street Burn your cholesterol Save your body and mind Of course help reduce the new inventions of technology But keeping the balance of nature Technology and nature are the same branches Help both of them to live their life with freedom. Add one to another Don't cut ones Treat two of them nicely and be good Listen to me Millennial's Make my dream True ......

Why I surround myself with Good People?

Why I surround myself with Good People ? By:Aparna Das Date:11.2.2018 In this crazy world that’s trying to make me like everyone else, still find the courage to keep being awesome myself.  I listen to my own inner voice.   I’m very connected to each other in various ways. This is the way to inspire people!  This is how I can grow into the best version of me . I believe every people have a huge impact in our  life. There is a proverb in Bengali  ‘ সৎ সঙ্গে স্বর্গ বাস, অসৎ সঙ্গে নরক বাস' . Liv e heaven with honest, live hell with evil. Speaking in simple language,  most of the time if we spend with the bad people then it will be effective on our character. Most studies have been reported in the past and present that  “we are the average of the 4 people we spend the most time with,” With this in mind, we should think about the people we’re spending time. I had many misconceptions with people, later on that experience was not pleasant for me. Time taught me what is righ

Gentleman with an extra gesture

A gentleman By : Aparna Das  Date : 7.2.2018 On 16’th March in 2012 , I joined Aabar Jugantar Newspaper. I remember I went to the office on the first day. When I reached there I saw all new faces, do not know anyone. In my new office reception hall among the few women in my age, I saw an aged man sitting there. A girl from that group asked me, what is your name. I replied, my name is Aparna Das and your's ? She replied with her name. After that the groups started to talk to everyone. At the time I raised my hand towards that aged man and said to him, I am very happy to meet with you ! He smiled and said to me, I have the same feeling of meeting with you. I said, I am much younger  than you ,so not ‘apni’, you can call me ’tumi’. Again he laughs and replied , who is elder or younger than me, I say to everyone ‘apni’. After this talk, my respect and curiosity increased  to the man. Working in the office within a few days I saw that there has different sub-groups have be

গুড়ওয়ালা/ a molasses seller

O Gurwala  /O Molasses seller By : Aparna Das         Date : 6.2.2018 Now Kolkata has almost fade away from the winter , But wait... nolen gur is still very much  available in my para! Today when I am on the way to office, met with the familiar molasses Nazrul Seikh (50). He is familiar of mine because I have been seeing him since childhood. Every winter season from December to February he took  30-35 liter molasses on his head and sold it to .I asked him, how long have you been in this para? Nazrul said to me, that he has selling molasses in our neighborhood for more than 35 years. I asked him, exactly where do you live? He smiled and said to me,Ma again you have forgotten, I am coming from Shardah, Natra gram panchayat area in South 24 paragan (West Bengal).Is it not difficult for you to carry this bull from the farthest on your head? Again he smiled and said, Ma for stomach this hard work must be done , otherwise without it my family would die. But this 2-3 months o

Every Rajput Should watch ‘Padmaavat’

Every Rajput Should watch ‘Padmaavat’ By : Aparna Das                                                                 Date : 3.2.2018 First of all I have to say, each and every Rajput should watch this movie, so many times as they love to say 'I proud to be a Rajput' to themselves. Today I watched ‘ Padmaavat   ’ at 'SVF Cinemas - Wood Square Mall, Narendrapur' in Kolkata . Mr. Bhansali we are sorry and ashamed for the harassment you and your whole team have been faced. Take a Bow every Cast and Crew and the whole unit. Sir, your creation through this movie is the ladder to the next level for Bollywood. Really happy to see that Indian Cinema is going  in such a new direction. And it's just the beginning. Keep the good work up . After all the violence and havoc created around the movie, I thought something really had to be wrong with the storyline but no. Padmaavat is an art and I loved it. Loved it completely! It was such a beautiful work of art , a perf

Writing is an extreme privilege

Giving story to someone  ''Writing is an extreme privilege but it's also a gift. It's a gift to yourself and it's a gift of giving story to someone.'' Amy Tan

I want to fly papa !

       One of the best poem I read in my childhood   I just changed it a little bit I want to fly   By : Aparna Das/Date : 1.2.2018 Johny Johny, yes papa..! Private job, yes papa ! Too much tension, yes papa! Family life, of course papa! BP-sugar, still no papa! Monthly pay, poor papa! Personal life, cool papa ! When you will get settled……? Ha! Ha! Ha! I want to fly papa!