vs Experience which
matters most?
the last six years I have been working as a sub-editor on newspaper. As well as
writing on newspaper my favorite pastime is to play with the words. So one time
I decided to get out of my comfort zone, something new that would challenge me. Recently I had been to an organization for Copy writing position in a advertisement agency. Despite having no experience in the advertising
world, I made a creative adv presentation and went to interview there. However after looking at me and my presentation the agency
manager says maybe you are too new for our projects. So later I ask someone from
one of my friend from another company who had years of experiences (on paper)
in similar field an around 20+ years in age to visit the organization and
delivered a similar presentation . And guess what happened... It really fascinate
me and I started to experiment with different advertising agency. And the
outcome was all of the agency were attracted toward experience. I found similar
situation during interview too. Where the HR manager try to judge candidate
based on experience rather than enthusiasm or you can say excellence. So in the
battle of experience vs enthusiasm whome
would you consider? And as a HR manager how would judge the right candidate you're looking for
during interview...? Yes, I agree
that the experience is very much needed in any field. Despite this, newcomers
should be given opportunities, especially those who have the power to do
something new and exciting for the job. Sometimes
the experience is only on paper.