When we were kid
Innocent loving child
By : Aparna Das Date : 12.1.2018
When we were born , we all babies are beautiful. People love us as for a
new baby because we recognize the wonder, innocence and love coming from them.
Unfortunately as we grow older and become adults, they pick up all the
imperfections we adults possess and that wonder and innocence god gift may soon
be lost.Most of the surveys are reported, an adult may be hardened and cold
because of the harshness of their life but most of there's heart is still there in .
sometimes pain, rejection and disappointment have stolen our innocence. Yet we
always seeking for genuine love, which never
dies. Growing up, each of us has had to come to terms with disappointment,
abuse, ridicule, pain, immoderate, rejection and detachment by their nearest
and dearest one. And each of has reacted differently. Some of us have become
stronger, while others have developed their life by love and guidance .Either
way, we are no longer the innocent, trusting child we once were.That tough guy
who screams and argues all the time, might just want us to see a tough guy, so
he can protect himself from being stepped on as when he was a kid. So though,
these traits may seem like character flaws, there is a reason they are there.
We should protect the sensitive, innocent loving child.